Before beginning, if your GitHub Enterprise instance is behind a firewall, please whitelist our IP addresses:
Your GitHub Enterprise instance must be accessible via DNS. Please ensure that you have assigned a public DNS record that is resolved to your instance, with an SSL certificate defined for the domain you configured.
Create a Personal Access Token on GitHub Enterprise.
- Log in to your GitHub Enterprise account.
- In the upper-right corner, click your avatar and select Settings.
- On the Developer Settings menu, select Personal Access Tokens and then select Tokens (classic).
- Select Generate new token (classic).
- Choose a note and optional expiry date for the token - Don't set any date.
- Choose the desired scopes - we need only the repo and user
- Click the Generate token button.
- Save the personal access token somewhere safe. Once you leave or refresh the page, you won’t be able to access your personal access token.
Connect GitHub Enterprise Account and Valven Atlas
On Valven Atlas, visit Connected Applications on the sidebar. Find GitHub Enterprise under Git Providers and click Connect.

Register Information
Enter the GitHub Enterprise URL and Personal Access Token

After authorization, you will be redirected to Valven Atlas, in case you may want to add another Git or issue repository.
Associate repositories with your projects
Add a new project or include your repositories into an existing Project. For details, click here.
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